Sustainability Environment

sustainability Environment

Hygiene Ace® smart splash guards for hand dryers are highly sustainable. As an innovative company focusing on creating a sustainability environment, we believe our product should be environmentally friendly and resource-efficient to be sustainable. Therefore, from the design to the architecture and production of the Hygiene Ace, we made a deliberate effort to ensure that the products would be efficient and deliver results without compromising our environment. They are instead protecting, fostering sustainability environment and enhancing public health and hygiene. 

Protecting Our Environment

  • Preventing Deforestation

We could have created anything to combat the spread of germs and cross-contamination in washrooms; instead, we chose to make a complementary product for hand dryers. According to Ribble, over two million trees are felled daily for global paper consumption, and thus, four billion trees are cut annually to serve our paper needs. As a brand passionate about environmental sustainability, we are doing everything possible to reduce this environmental damage. Consequently, our Hygiene Ace® product is one of our efforts to encourage using hand dryers over paper towels.  

Moreso, we wanted our splash guards to play an active role in reducing the amount of water splash created by hand dryers—by preventing water from splashing onto the floor and walls. As a result, Hygiene Ace help keep floors cleaner and reduce the amount of water that needs to be recycled or treated at a sewage treatment plant.

  • Saving Water

Water shortage and the government’s effort to reduce the water we recycle have been challenging for quite some time. The Environment Agency has warned that within just 25 years, the South East of England could run out of water. This is troubling, and as a company, we ensure our products directly or indirectly play an active, positive role in the water shortage crisis, amongst other environmental benefits. 

Hand dryers are one of the causes of wet floors in public washrooms, and floors have to be cleaned at intervals to reduce slip and trip hazards. The cleaning intervals depend on the usage and footfall. Busy public washroom mop at least 6 – 10 times daily, and It takes about 7 to 10 litres of water to mop an average public washroom floor per cleaning session. That means for an average of 6 mopping sessions a day, at least 42 litres are sent into the national sewage. 

With Hygiene Ace®, washroom mopping efforts and use of resources, especially water, can be reduced by half, if not more. We are confident our Smart Splash guards can eradicate at most minuscule one mopping session; Eg. If we successfully deploy 100,000 units of Hygiene Ace® to public washrooms in the UK, we will save at least 600,000 litres of water daily. And based on our evaluation and the market demand for Hygiene Ace®, 100,000 units would be a starting point. 

The environmental impact of this would be very significant in various ways. Some of these includes:

  • Less water would be recycled.
  • Saving energy on water recycling. 
  • Reduction in the release of greenhouse gases. 

Public Health & Safety

According to the Science of The Total Environment Journal, “Public washroom surfaces can become contaminated with bacterial and viral pathogens.” Some of these bacteria are dangerous, especially to individuals with weak immune systems. According to WebMD, people can contact streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli & Shigella, hepatitis A, common cold, and various sexually transmitted organisms. Hence, we introduced antimicrobial/nano-coating resistance to kill most germs and reduce the spread of germs and cross-contamination. This is especially important in areas where people are at a higher risk of infection. For example; hospitals, nursing homes, schools and universities.


Concerning environmental sustainability, we are committed to using recycled packaging. Our products are packed and shipped in recycled paperboard boxes, which can be recycled repeatedly. We also use recycled plastic bags for our smaller accessories. We are deliberate about the UK waste and recycling policy. Therefore, we never use styrofoam or polystyrene for packing our products.

Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword for us—it’s a commitment to reducing our carbon footprint and helping the environment. We believe that staying green is good business for a sustainable environment.

We want to make a difference, and we want you to be part of it.